training Archives | Royal XL Bullies Achieving Greatness Thu, 08 Aug 2024 12:16:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 training Archives | Royal XL Bullies 32 32 XL Bullies | How to Beat the Extreme Heat Sun, 14 Jul 2024 16:54:58 +0000 It’s crucial to understand how to keep your XL Bully cool and comfortable during the sweltering summer months.

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XL Bullies are a breed known for their strength, loyalty, and gentle temperament. However, their muscular build and short muzzles make them particularly susceptible to overheating, especially in the hot and humid climates of Florida and the southern states. And with heatwaves all over the USA and other countries, the frequency of American Bullies overheating is climbing. As a responsible dog owner, it’s crucial to understand how to keep your XL Bully cool and comfortable during the sweltering summer months. This article will provide detailed tips on how to beat the heat and ensure your buddy stays safe and happy.

Understanding the Risks

XL American Bullies are prone to overheating due to their brachycephalic (short-nosed) structure, which makes it harder for them to cool down through panting. This is also true for any breed of dog that has a short muzzle. Overheating can lead to heat exhaustion or heatstroke, both of which are life-threatening conditions. Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea, and even collapse. Immediate action is required if you suspect your dog is overheating.

Ways to Keep Your XL Bully Cool

Provide Ample Shade

Ensure that your Bully has access to shaded areas when outdoors. Use umbrellas, canopies, or natural shade from trees to create a cool retreat for your dog. Avoid leaving your dog in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Some Bullies may be more on the athletic side with lots of energy. It is important to also recognize that your dog may not relax on their own. You may have to initiate time out periods so your Bully has time to relax and cool off.  This is also one of those moments where obedience training is valuable so you may direct your dog to chill out.

Hydration is Key

Keep fresh, cool water available at all times. Consider using multiple water bowls placed in different areas of your home and yard. Adding ice cubes to the water can help keep it cool and encourage your Bully to drink more. If at all possible, try to have the water bowls out of direct sunlight so the water stays cool.

Use Cooling Mats and Vests

Cooling mats and cooling vests are excellent tools to help regulate your XL Bully’s body temperature. These products use cooling gel or water-activated materials to provide a cool surface for your dog to lie on or wear. For cooling vests, be sure to measure your dog correctly before purchasing in order to get a proper fit. If your XL American Bully is still growing, make sure to monitor the way the vest fits. A cooling vest from last summer may not fit your dog this summer.

Create a Cool Indoor Environment for your Bully

Keep your home cool by using fans and air conditioning. If you don’t have air conditioning or your AC fails, place fans in areas where your dog spends the most time. Ensure good air circulation to help reduce the indoor temperature. Consider having a window unit in at least one small room if your dog doesn’t seem to be tolerating the heat well.

Avoid Midday Heat

Walk your dog during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This will help prevent overheating and reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Provide a Kiddie Pool

A kiddie pool filled with cool water can be a fun and effective way for your dog to cool off. Make sure the water is shallow enough for your dog to stand comfortably. Ice cubes and large frozen reusable hard plastic ice packs can be added to the water to keep it cool. Never place the soft gel ice packs or any small frozen objects (aside from real ice cubes) in the water as they can easily be bitten or swallowed. Never leave your dog unattended in the pool.

Use Wet Towels

Wet a towel with cool water and drape it over your Bully’s body. Focus on areas with less fur, such as the belly, paws, and armpits. This can provide immediate relief and help lower their body temperature. Wet towels can also be placed in the fridge or freezer before use. A cold or frozen beach towel can also be used as a short-term cooling mat.

Offer Frozen Treats to your XL Bully

Frozen dog treats or ice cubes made from dog-safe ingredients can provide a refreshing snack and help cool your dog from the inside out. You can freeze dog-safe fruits, vegetables, or even plain yogurt for a tasty and cooling treat.

Outdoor Misting Areas

Set up an outdoor water misting area for your dog to run through to cool off. Mist systems are usually found in the gardening section of Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, and online. Yard or garden sprinklers can also be set up to help your Bully cool off in a fun way. A really great hack is to place one or more cooling mats on top of the hose so the water coming from the misting system or sprinklers is very cold.

Monitor Indoor Humidity

High indoor humidity levels can make it harder for your dog to cool down. Use a dehumidifier to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. Aim for a humidity level of 30-50% to ensure your dog stays cool and comfortable.


Regular grooming can help keep your dog cool by removing excess fur that can trap heat. However, avoid shaving your dog too close to the skin, as this can increase the risk of sunburn. Consult a professional groomer for the best approach to keeping your dog’s coat manageable in the summer.

What to do in an Emergency

If your XL Bully shows signs of overheating, you must take immediate action.

Move to a Cool Area: Get your dog out of the heat and into a shaded or air-conditioned area.

Offer Water: Provide cool water for your dog to drink, but don’t force them to drink if they’re not interested.

Cool Down: Use cool (not cold) water to wet your dog’s body. Focus on the head, neck, and chest areas. Avoid using ice-cold water, as it can cause blood vessels to constrict and reduce heat dissipation.

Seek Veterinary Care: Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog’s condition doesn’t improve or if they exhibit severe symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or collapse.

Using Rubbing Alcohol for Emergency Cool Down Measures for your Bully

While there are many methods to help your XL Bully beat the heat, using rubbing alcohol is a less commonly known but effective technique. When applied correctly, rubbing alcohol can help cool your dog quickly due to its fast evaporation rate. To use this method, simply pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto a cloth and gently rub it on your dog’s paw pads and belly. These areas are less hairy and more vascular, which helps in rapidly reducing body temperature.

However, it’s essential to use rubbing alcohol with caution. Never apply it to open wounds or large areas of your dog’s body, and always avoid the face and mucous membranes. The use of alcohol is a quick, temporary solution and should not replace other cooling methods such as providing shade, fresh water, or air conditioning. Always monitor your dog for signs of heat stress, and if symptoms persist, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Special Considerations for Florida and Southern States

The southern states, including Florida, are known for their high temperatures and humidity levels, which can exacerbate the risk of overheating in XL Bullies. Here are some additional tips for owners or breeders of XL Bullies in Florida:

Use Reflective Gear

Reflective and light-colored gear can help reduce heat absorption when walking your dog. Avoid dark-colored collars, leashes, and harnesses that can retain heat and can cause overheating.

Stay Informed

Keep an eye on local weather reports and heat advisories. Avoid outdoor activities during extreme heat warnings and always have a backup plan to keep your dog entertained indoors.

Know Your Surroundings

Be aware of the surfaces your dog walks on. Asphalt and concrete can become scorching hot and burn your dog’s paws. Test the surface with your hand; if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. Walk on grass or dirt paths whenever possible.

An Informed Bully Owner

Keeping your XL Bully cool during the hot summer months is essential for their health and well-being. By providing ample shade, fresh water, cooling products, and monitoring their activity levels, you can help prevent overheating and ensure your dog stays comfortable. Remember to take immediate action if your dog shows signs of heat-related distress and always prioritize their safety in extreme weather conditions.

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Socializing an XL American Bully Puppy Tue, 02 Jul 2024 03:11:16 +0000 Spending a few minutes a day socializing your XL American Bully puppy to the world around them pays off significantly in the long run.

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Planning Socialization

Bringing home a new XL American Bully puppy is exciting, but it also requires planning for socialization. Although this might seem overwhelming, it’s straightforward. Spending a few minutes daily to introduce your XL American Bully puppy to the world around them pays off significantly in the long run.

Your XL Bully puppy should meet people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. People interacting with your Bully puppy should be comfortable and confident. Walking on different surfaces and hearing various noises helps American Bully puppies feel secure as they grow.

What is Puppy Socialization?

Puppy socialization is the most critical period in your XL American Bully puppy’s life, setting them up for future success. This process introduces your XL American Bully puppy to new experiences positively. A well-socialized XL American Bully puppy feels comfortable in different environments and situations, such as large crowds or children on skateboards.

Socialization builds confidence and comfort both inside and outside your home. Imagine stepping into a foreign country where everything seems strange—that’s how an XL American Bully puppy feels in unfamiliar settings. Introducing your XL American Bully puppy to these experiences gradually prevents them from being overwhelmed.

Why Socialize Your XL American Bully Puppy?

New environments, people, and experiences can be intimidating for XL American Bully puppies. Socialization helps your XL American Bully puppy take in their surroundings at a relaxed pace, helping them realize the world is safe. Positive introductions are crucial for your XL American Bully puppy’s mental and emotional development.

Living with a well-adjusted XL American Bully puppy helps avoid behavior problems later. For example, if an XL American Bully puppy never meets children, encountering a toddler later can be frightening. Toddlers move quickly, reach out to dogs, and make loud noises, which can startle a dog that’s never been around them. A well-socialized XL American Bully puppy is less likely to be afraid and react aggressively.

When to Start Socializing Your XL American Bully Puppy

Starting socialization early is best, but it’s never too late. XL American Bully puppies between 3 and 14 weeks old are most receptive to new experiences. People usually bring XL Bully puppies home around 8 to 9 weeks old. By 12 weeks, XL American Bully puppies may become more reserved around new encounters, and by 18 weeks, they might enter a shy stage.

Even older XL American Bully puppies and dogs benefit from socialization. Continue introducing new experiences to XL American Bully dogs 18 months and older.

How to Socialize Your XL American Bully Puppy

Enroll your XL American Bully puppy in a class with a knowledgeable instructor to build a foundation. Your XL American Bully puppy will learn basic obedience and play with other XL American Bully puppies off-leash, helping them gain confidence around other people and dogs.

Take your XL American Bully puppy to different places and reward positive encounters with treats. If your XL American Bully puppy is too frightened to accept treats, use petting and encouraging words.

XL American Bully Puppy Socialization Ideas

Proper socialization goes beyond playing with the same few dogs or visiting a dog park. Your Bully puppy needs diverse encounters, such as:

Watching children play

Meeting a smaller or larger animal

Car rides

Visiting a business that allows animals

Walking on the street near a bus stop

When taking your XL American Bully puppy out, ensure it’s safe. If the weather is cool and it’s safe, you can leave your XL American Bully puppy in the car for short periods or return home after your errands.

Planned Experiences

Introduce new experiences at a slow pace. Frequent but short outings, lasting five to ten minutes, work wonders and prevent overstimulation. Notice your XL American Bully puppy’s reactions. If your XL American Bully puppy seems frightened, reassure them it’s okay to feel scared and move on without picking them up.

Developing Social Skills

Reward your puppy with treats or praise for positive interactions, such as moving towards someone to greet them or wagging their tail at another dog. If your XL American Bully puppy is scared in a noisy environment, keep a distance, reassure them, and leave the scene without scolding or coaxing. Each XL American Bully puppy adjusts at their own pace.

Socialization Activities and Exercises

While it’s impossible to expose your XL American Bully puppy to everything, you can integrate socialization into your daily routine. Many businesses welcome XL American Bully puppies, and visiting friends is an opportunity for socialization.

Safe Socialization Practices

Always consider your XL American Bully puppy’s comfort and safety during socialization experiences. Consult your veterinarian about safe outings after your XL American Bully puppy’s vaccinations. Before completing the vaccine series, consider carrying your XL American Bully puppy in a pouch or wagon for safe socialization.

Advocate for your XL American Bully puppy. If they show fear towards a friend wearing a hat, ask the friend to remove it and offer your XL American Bully puppy a treat. Supervise interactions with children to ensure they are gentle and provide toys for the XL American Bully puppy to play with if they become mouthy.

Role of Behavior and Training in Socialization

Following early socialization with obedience training provides structure and helps you work as a team with your XL American Bully puppy.

Planning a Social Schedule

A socialization schedule keeps your XL American Bully puppy on track without taking hours. A few minutes a day suffice. Ensure your XL American Bully puppy has time to rest and relax too.


Socializing your XL American Bully puppy requires effort, but the results are rewarding. A well-adjusted, happy adult XL American Bully dog is worth the time and patience invested in their early socialization. Even as adults, XL American Bully dogs need mental and physical stimulation outside the home. Keep exposing your XL American Bully dog to new sights and experiences for their overall well-being.


This article focuses on the importance of socializing an XL American Bully puppy, providing practical tips on when, why, and how to introduce your XL American Bully puppy to various experiences. By planning a socialization schedule and gradually exposing your XL American Bully puppy to new people, places, and situations, you can help them grow into a confident and well-adjusted adult XL American Bully dog.


socializing your blue tri xl bully puppy
A well-socialized XL American Bully puppy feels comfortable in different environments

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The Importance of Obedience Training For XL Bullies Sat, 01 Jun 2024 23:02:37 +0000 Obedience training is crucial for all dogs, but it is especially important for XL Bullies.

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Obedience training is crucial for all dogs, but it is especially important for XL Bullies. These powerful and large dogs require consistent training to ensure they grow into well-behaved adults. At Royal XL Bullies, we understand the unique needs of this breed and emphasize the importance of proper training for all XL Bully puppies.
Training helps manage their strength and size, preventing unwanted behaviors. It also addresses negative stereotypes by showcasing their true, gentle nature. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key. Early training sets the foundation for a well-behaved and confident adult dog.

Powerful Breed

XL Bullies are a beautiful and powerful breed, known for their muscular build and strength. Without proper learning, their size and power can become difficult to manage. Obedience helps establish control, making it easier for owners to handle their dogs safely. Basic commands such as sit, stay, and come are essential for managing their behavior, especially in public settings.
Proper training also helps in socializing these dogs, reducing any potential aggression. It builds a bond of trust and respect between the dog and owner. Consistent training routines ensure that the dog understands its boundaries and behaves well in various environments.

Negative Stereotypes

XL American Bullies often face negative stereotypes. They are sometimes seen as aggressive or dangerous due to their appearance. However, these stereotypes are unfounded. With proper obedience training, XL Bullies can be gentle, loyal, and well-mannered pets. Training helps showcase their true nature and dispel common misconceptions.
Responsible ownership and socialization also play key roles. Exposing them to various environments and people helps them become more adaptable and confident. This reduces fear-based reactions and further breaks down negative stereotypes.

Large Dogs Need Training

Due to their large size, XL Bullies need training to ensure they do not develop bad habits. For example, jumping up on people can be intimidating and potentially harmful given their size. Some ordinances even consider a scratch (whether it is out of bad manners or out of aggression) an attack, deeming the dog a vicious dog. Training helps prevent such behaviors, ensuring that they interact appropriately with people and other animals.
Early socialization is also important. Exposing XL Bully puppies to different environments, people, and other dogs helps them become well-adjusted and confident. This reduces fear-based reactions and promotes good behavior in various situations. Proper training and socialization are essential for managing their strength and size.

Start Training Early

It is important to start training XL Bully puppies as early as possible. Puppies are more receptive to learning and can pick up commands quickly. Early training sets the foundation for good behavior as they grow. Consistency is key; regular sessions help reinforce commands and build a strong bond between the owner and the Bully puppy.
Socialization is also crucial. Exposing your XL Bully puppy to different people, environments, and other animals helps them develop confidence and reduces fear-based behaviors. This early exposure ensures they become well-adjusted adults.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective training method for XL Bullies. Rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, or playtime encourages them to repeat those actions. This approach builds trust and strengthens the bond between the dog and the owner. It is important to avoid harsh punishments, as they can lead to fear and aggression.
Avoid using harsh punishments can damage your relationship with your XL Bully. Instead, focus on gentle corrections and positive reinforcement to guide their behavior. This method fosters a positive environment and encourages your dog to learn and obey commands willingly.


Socialization is a crucial aspect of training for XL Bullies. Exposing them to various environments, people, and other animals helps them become well-adjusted adults. Socialization reduces fear and aggression, making them more comfortable and confident in different situations. It also helps them learn how to interact appropriately with other dogs and people.
Implementing a structured approach to socialization can ensure consistency and success. Regularly introducing your XL Bully to new stimuli in a controlled manner will build their confidence. Use positive reinforcement during these interactions to encourage calm and friendly behavior. This foundation is vital for developing a balanced and well-mannered dog.

Consistency and Patience

Training an XL Bully requires consistency and patience. Dogs need time to learn and understand commands. Regular sessions, using the same commands and rewards, help reinforce good behavior. Patience is crucial; progress may be slow at times, but consistency will yield results. Celebrate small victories and continue to reinforce positive behavior.
Establish a structured routine for training sessions. This helps your XL Bully know what to expect and creates a stable learning environment. Consistent timing and clear expectations reduce confusion and build confidence in your dog. Stick to the routine, and over time, you’ll see steady improvement in your Bully’s behavior and responsiveness.

Professional Obedience Classes

Consider enrolling your XL Bully in professional obedience classes. Experienced trainers can provide valuable insights and techniques tailored to the breed. These classes offer a structured environment for socialization and learning. They also provide an opportunity for owners to learn effective training methods and address any specific behavioral issues.
Professional classes also offer one-on-one attention, ensuring that your XL Bully gets personalized sessions. This helps in addressing unique challenges and reinforcing positive behaviors. Trainers can guide you on maintaining consistency at home, making the training process smoother and more effective.

Benefits of Training

Obedience training offers numerous benefits for XL Bullies and their owners. It ensures that the dog is well-behaved and manageable, making daily life easier and more enjoyable. Trained dogs are also more likely to be accepted in public spaces and social settings. Additionally, training enhances the bond between the dog and the owner, creating a trusting and loving relationship. Training also reduces the likelihood of behavioral issues, such as aggression or fearfulness, by providing structure and clear expectations.

A Well-Trained XL Bully is an Ambassador for the Breed

Obedience training is essential for XL Bullies. Their size and strength require consistent training to ensure they grow into well-behaved adults. Training helps dispel negative stereotypes and showcases their true, gentle nature. Starting early, using positive reinforcement, and maintaining consistency and patience are key to successful training. Consider professional training classes for additional support and guidance. At Royal XL Bullies, we believe that proper training is the foundation for a happy and healthy relationship with your XL Bully and the proper representation of the breed overall. Regular exercise and socialization are also crucial to keeping them balanced and well-adjusted.

XL Bullies For Sale

xl bully obedience training is important
A calm and confident lilac tri XL American Bully puppy

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